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Parish Plan
How time has flown – the Parish Plan is due for update again! The Parish Plan is designed to represent the views of Brightwalton parishioners on how the village and surrounding area develops. There are 3 reasons why we should invest the time to keep our Parish Plan current: Having a Parish Plan gives us access to grants for projects that are designed to improve various aspects of the village. Last time when the plan was updated in 2010, it gave us access to over £25K of grant money. The Parish Plan is a useful reference point when responding to West Berkshire Planners on various planning applications. The Parish Plan provides a mandate from the Parishioners for the Parish Council on where the Parish Council should focus their time and attentions. The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to run the next Parish Plan update. This will involve setting up the questionnaires, delivering these and encouraging responses, collating the information and writing the plan, reviewing actions against the last plan. We would really like to see volunteers from each area of the village, this really helps with ensuring the questions cover all aspects and helps with the delivery and collection of questionnaires. IF you would be interested please email [email protected] Councillor Clive Hooker has sent out the August WBC update,. Please download here:
The July West Berkshire Council update from Councilor Clive Hooker can be downloaded here:
July WBC Update Geoff Grayer has signed up to the Downland Practice Patient Participation Group to represent Brightwalton. He has fed back as follows from the February 2023 meeting, here are the matters effecting patients:
1) I raised the matter why phlebotomy was no longer done at the Practice. Dr. Cave gave a convincing answer, which was basically staffing problems. It is recognised that it is not easy to make an appointment via telephone to WBH, and this is being addressed. 2) Patient Survey in November 2022. We were not presented with details, which I was told could be found on the NHS Web Site. But to summarise, the medical staff were highly commended, but there was dissatisfaction with the reception and on-phone staff. This was of high concern, and the management was considering how this could be addressed. 3) Pharmacy. I raised the question of why it now closed at lunchtime. Dr. Cave explained; basically it is a staff and money problem. However, an automatic dispensing machine is being considered for prescriptions, which would be available 24hrs/day. This is obviously quite expensive, and a survey might be held on how useful this would be. Early days yet, but the Manager is looking into this. The next meeting is scheduled for mid-June. Geoff. If you have any matters you would like to raise or questions your would like to ask at the next Patient Participation Group meeting, please email [email protected] and we will ensure these are passed on.
I am delighted to welcome Katherine Moore as the newly appointed and first Brightwalton Community Co-ordinator.
This is a very exciting and new part time role for the village. We have been raising funds to launch this new initiative as a 2 year pilot project. Katherine’s role is to put together events and activities to help us bring the village together, encouraging the provision of mutual support and friendship. The role will specifically provide opportunities to get together, meet people, learn new things, share skills and information and where required opportunities to seek additional support. I am delighted that Katherine has agreed to take on this challenge. Many of you will know Katherine for her already very active participation in the village as part of the Village Hall Team, Friends of the Brightwalton School or for the Dance lessons she regularly provides. I know Katherine will welcome ideas from people in the village. We have already had several people come forward to offer support for some of the initiatives being planned. If you feel you can add something and can spare a bit of time to help others in the village, I am sure Katherine would welcome you getting in touch with her at : [email protected] Shaun Orpen, ASPIRE Project & Brightwalton Parish Council Chair GP Leaving the Downland Practice | The Downland Practice
Dr Victoria Ashall will be leaving the Downland Practice on the 10 March 2023. The Downland Practice are saddened by this news. Since joining the Downland Practice in November 2022 other personal reasons have arisen for Dr Ashall and it has become necessary for her to relocate employment closer to home. This will cause some movement of patients who are on Dr Ashall’s patient list. This will likely be a temporary allocation of patients to another GP in the surgery until we have resolved the workforce gap. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to patients who are currently registered with Dr Ashall. We will keep you updated on any recruitment developments in the coming weeks. GP Locum – Dr Curtis Dr Curtis will be working at the Downland Practice from the 12 January 2023, this role will be as a Locum GP and he will be seeing patients from all of the Surgery GP lists in an aim to reduce patients waiting times. This is a NHS funded post and is short term only, Dr Curtis will not be having his own list of patients whilst he is working as a Locum GP. Request to change GP The Downland Practice receives a number of requests to move their registered GP’s. These requests are normally dealt with on a monthly basis but can be longer depending on other issues in the practice. Patients can expect to receive confirmation of their registered GP by text message in response to their request. Patients are moved from time to time when GP list sizes need to be reduced. GP list sizes are reduced due to over subscription, (this results in longer waits to see the GP) list sizes are reduced to improve wait times for patients. Patients who have not yet seen their registered GP but request to move to another GP list can expect to stay with their current registered GP. The Downland Practice has a boundary area of 120 square miles. In order to ensure that patients can be give appropriate medical care in a timely manner, the GP’s cover a specific area across the Downland Practice Boundary. Patients who join the practice are allocated their GP according to location. When there is a GP leaving the practice then a letter is sent to the household advising what actions are taking place to provide them with a registered GP. Downland Practice – At Capacity Today the 4 January 2023 the Downland Practice has no capacity to deal with the on the day demand. Patients will be requested to ring 111 so that their condition can be assessed and 111 will advise of action for these patients. The Buckinghamshire / Oxfordshire and Berkshire (BOB) Integrated Care Board (ICB) have been informed that the Downland Practice is unable to manage the on the day demand. The may be the need to cancel routine pre-booked GP appointments to free up GP’s time to see patients with on the day demands. This may cause some concern for patients who have to have their routine appointments cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our patients who are affected. Private Fees 2023 The Downland Practice private fees for 2023 will be posted this month on the website. This is for Non-NHS Work that is paid for by the individual. Any requests for private work that are received after the 18 December 2022 will be processed in January 2023 and will be subject to the new fees. /practice-information/private-fees-and-charges The November update from the Downlands Ward Councillor, Clive Hooker is available to download here: It includes lots of information on warm hubs and cost of living help from WBC
The quarterly magazine produced by the West Berkshire Countryside Society is available to download here:
Winter 2022 Upstream West Berkshire Council Press Release 29/09/22 New Cost of Living Support Hub to support residents this winter A new Cost of Living Support Hub is being created to support residents facing financial hardship this winter. The hub will provide a single point of contact for residents struggling with the rising cost of living. It will provide advice as well as matching residents’ needs with support provided by local charities and voluntary organisations. It’s expected to open in the coming weeks, with more details about how to access it announced soon. The new hub is being created by West Berkshire Council in partnership with Greenham Trust and the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire – and will see it work closely with the local community and voluntary sector. Ahead of the launch in October, initial activity will include working with partners to map food providers and other voluntary sector support for residents affected by the cost of living to ensure a comprehensive range of support is available to refer residents to as required. Speaking about the new Cost of Living Support Hub, Leader of West Berkshire Council, Councillor Lynne Doherty, said: “This new hub will provide a one stop shop for residents struggling with bills and wanting to find out what help is available locally. It will bring together different agencies, skills, knowledge and service provision to ensure residents are supported through a tough winter. “Through the pandemic and the support provided to Ukrainian families we’ve seen what can be achieved when the community comes together and I’ve no doubt this hub will also make a difference for vulnerable residents.” Chris Boulton, CEO of Greenham Trust: “This winter is going to be particularly hard for many people. Working closely and collaboratively with the council and voluntary sector, the hub will mean we can support local people across the whole community who need it the most as quickly as possible. In times of crisis, we need to act fast. This hub will do that.” Volunteer Centre West Berkshire Director Garry Poulson says “We know that the voluntary and community sector will be pulling their considerable weight and assisting people and their families at a time of great stress and strain. This hub will seek to ensure that no one falls through the cracks and gets the help they need, be it emotional, practical or financial help via the dozens of organisations in West Berkshire that have an empathy with the plight of people in these tough times” The Cost of Living Support Hub will be the latest in a range of support for residents impacted by the rising cost of living. This includes:
Please find attached a copy of the August west Berkshire Council update from Ward Councillors, Clive Hooker
Brightwalton with Catmore, Chaddleworth, Fawley, Great Shefford, Leckhampstead and Welford with Wickham Online Services Zoom from Church is available for most Sunday 10.30 Services. We also hold evening prayer on a Wednesday’s at 5pm and Coffee Morning at 11am on Thursday’s via Zoom Please contact Miri or email [email protected] if you would like joining details. July & August 2022 3rd July 10.00am United Benefice Service, Wickham 10th July 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Shefford Woodlands 10.30am Morning Praise + Holy Communion, Fawley 17th July 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Leckhampstead 10.30am Morning Praise + Holy Communion, Chaddleworth 24th July 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Welford 10.30am Morning Praise + Holy Communion, Brightwalton United Benefice Open Air Summer Services From 31st July until 21st August we shall be returning to Open Air Worship with Holy Communion in the church after the service. The outdoor element will be available on Zoom, and of course, if the weather is wet, we shall be able to migrate indoors! The final service of the season, 21st August, will be at the later time of 11am as it will be followed by a BBQ to which all are welcome. 31st July 10.00am Summer Open Air Worship with Holy Communion in the church, Leckhampstead 7th August 10.00am Summer Open Air Worship with Holy Communion in the church, Brightwalton 14th August 10.00am Summer Open Air Worship with Holy Communion in the church, Wickham 21st August 11.00am Summer Open Air Worship with Holy Communion in the church, Great Shefford, with BBQ after 28th August Time TBC United Benefice Service, Fawley – (please check Pew Sheet or A Church Near You for timings) Details can also been found online at A Church Near You www.achurchnearyou.com The June update from Councillor Clive Hooker is available to download here:
The West Berkshire Countryside Society produce a magazine every quarter with an update on local projects and chances to get involved with volunteering.
The West Berkshire Council May update from Downland Ward Councillor Clive Hooker can be downloaded here. This includes details of all the current WBC consultations
From 12.30pm on Sunday 5th June, bring your picnic.
Bar available, games and activities for all the family May & The Jubilee Weekend
1st May 10.00am United Benefice Service, Great Shefford with breakfast from 9.45am 8th May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Shefford Woodlands 10.30am Holy Communion, Fawley 15th May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Leckhampstead 10.00am Café Church, Great Shefford 10.30am Holy Communion, Chaddleworth 22nd May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Wickham 10.30am Holy Communion, Brightwalton 29th May 10.00am United Benefice Service, Brightwalton with brunch and village walk Platinum Jubilee Weekend Services Thursday 2nd June Evening Prayer 6.30pm, Chaddleworth church Using the original service held throughout the country on the Sunday before Her Majesty the Queen’s Coronation Sunday 5th June 10am Service of Thanksgiving, Leckhampstead church We are pleased to offer Zoom from Church for many of the 10.30 services, please contact the Benefice Office for joining details – [email protected] Service details and Order of Services can be found on the A Church Near You website – www.achurchnearyou.com Revd Miri Keen writes … Yesterday the season began as I took the first West Downland wedding of 2022. It was wonderful to welcome the bride and groom and their family and friends into the church, to witness their vows and to pray for God’s blessing on them as they begin the adventure of marriage. I always feel rather like I’m waving couples off on a long sea voyage! One of the best parts of the modern Marriage Service is that it acknowledges how important the encouragement and care of family and friends can be when life’s storms hit. After the bride and groom have said “I will”, the vicar asks the congregation “Will you, the families and friends of the bride and groom, support and uphold them in their marriage now and in the years to come?” It’s always fabulous to hear the whole congregation saying “We will” as they offer their ongoing practical help, encouragement and prayers. Communities can make a difference too, so as we’re reading Banns and preparing for lots of weddings across the benefice perhaps you would spare a moment to offer your kind thoughts, good wishes and prayers for our happy couples. Kier and Rosie; James and Amie; William and Harriet; Will and Juliet; John and Fleur; Ned and Lydia; Gary and Tracy; Tobie and Rosie; Scott and Helen; Josh and Lucy; Kit and Nem; John and Gina. If you would like to find out more about marrying in church please get in touch. Maundy Thursday
6pm Casserole, Curry and Crumble Supper followed by service at 7.30pm Leckhampstead church Please contact Mary-Anne Brown to book a seat or Brightwalton Clerk ([email protected]) for details 15th April Good Friday 9am Passion Readings & Prayers, Wickham 10.30am Easter Storytime, Great Shefford 2pm Readings, Music & Silence, Brightwalton 17th April Easter Sunday 8.00am ‘BCP’ Holy Communion, Chaddleworth 9.30am Holy Communion, Great Shefford 11.00am Matins, Welford (lay led) 11.00am Holy Communion, Brightwalton Further information and Order of Services can be found on A Church Near You A copy of the March update from Councillor Clive Hooker is available to download here.
Within it you find details on WBC projects and consultations, plus updates on wider issues, including schemes being set up to assist Ukrainian refugees March 2022 The February West Berkshire Council update from District Councillor Clive Hooker can be downloaded here.
We thought this was worth sharing...
Dear Town/Parish Council West Berkshire Council has introduced a new online registration scheme for access to our Household Waste Recycling Centres, replacing the current paper permits with a digital system. Online registrations opened to residents on the 30 November 2021. Paper permits, including green car permits that have already expired will continue to be accepted until 28 February 2022. The digital permit system will enable households to register and update their vehicle details, household addresses and contact details instantly, allowing for seamless entry into the Household Waste Recycling Centres, so long as they have booked an appointment. Residents will also no longer need to wait for a paper permit to arrive in the post or search for it before they visit our recycling facilities. It will also mean that we don’t need to print over 65,000 paper permits to replace those that have already expired, or will expire soon. Under the planned change, there will also be no need to print and post up to 3,000 additional permits for new properties or lost permits every year. The avoidance of use of paper and ink means the Council and its residents can continue to demonstrate greater stewardship of the environment, which will be consistent with the objectives set out in the Council’s Environment Strategy. Households will be asked to register their car (up to 3 cars per household) online before 28 February 2022. Each household will need to set up a My Account profile if they do not have one already on the Council’s website via www.westberks.gov.uk/myaccount and then register their car(s) for the digital permits. The process is very quick and simple; it takes less than 3 minutes to complete the actual permit registration. Once you have registered your car(s) the permit will normally become live instantly. The status of your permit will show in your My Account and you will receive an email confirming the outcome of your registration. Digital permit applications for commercial type vehicle permits will take up to 15 days to be assessed and processed. This is because there are more checks required for commercial-type vehicles to ensure that they are not being used to deposit trade waste at our sites. The new system will alert site staff of un-registered vehicles entering the Household Waste Recycling Centres using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. The rules regarding what types of vehicle can access the Household Waste Recycling Centres are not changing. Our HWRC user guide explains what types of vehicles can access our HWRCs, together with any restrictions in place and site rules that have to be observed by visitors. Householders who do not have access to the internet can either ask friends or family to register on their behalf or use facilities available at their local library to register. Alternatively, they can call our customer service team on: 01635 519080 where a request for assistance from one of our officers can be raised. Please be aware that it may take up to 15 working days following receipt of your request for assistance to set up your permit. Residents are kindly requested to only call if they cannot do it online or have a friend or family member assist them. Please note that our phone lines are very busy at this time and we would prefer to prioritise helping vulnerable residents. Households with a commercial type vehicle permit will also need to register their vehicle details online. If you currently have a valid commercial type vehicle permit we will contact you directly to let you know what you need to do. Households will still need to book an appointment to use Newtown Road or Padworth Lane Recycling Centre. To book an appointment please visit: www.westberks.gov.uk/clickandtip. I have attached our how to guide and our info video as well as social media graphic which you are more than welcome to share. You can find more information here: www.westberks.gov.uk/recyclingcentres And on our FAQ page here: www.westberks.gov.uk/HWRConlinepermits-FAQ Parish Councils have been asked to share an important update from the Downland Practice on the Practice and the Pandemic written by Dr James Cave.
https://www.downlandpractice.nhs.uk/practice_news/downland-practice-and-the-pandemic/ |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
December 2024
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