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The Downland Practice have provided the following update today regarding vaccinations:
COVID-19 Vaccination UpdateDear Patients, The GP Partners have agreed to sign up to the COVID-19 Vaccination, this decision was taken on the 21 December 2021. This vaccination programme is likely to be rolled out in January 2021, the location of the vaccination centre is still to be confirmed but it is looking like this will be a central Newbury facility that is able to handle large numbers of patients for vaccination. The practice staff will all be involved in this process and on the days when there are vaccination clinics for practice patient’s, the surgery will have a reduced capacity for routine appointments. Depending on the timescales and notice that the surgery is given for vaccination clinic, this may impact some routine clinics being cancelled and rebooked. These dates will be made available on the website. The practice staff are now getting prepared to deliver the COVID-19 Vaccination, this includes ensuring the people eligible for vaccination are notified and know where to go and at what time. There are still a lot of unknowns so all patients are advised to keep watch on the practice website for any news and updates. We will keep the website updated with any developments on this issue. The practice will be requesting for volunteers in the next few days/weeks by means of texting patients of working age. We have had some interest from patients who wish to volunteer, the roles required will be clinically or administrative assistance. We do not know exactly what is involved, this will be come much clearer once the Newbury location is confirmed and the COVID-19 Vaccination facility have an established management structure. Please follow NHS advice and do not contact the surgery to book a COVID-19 Vaccination, the surgery will contact those people who are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination. Practice Manager Downland Practice .
With the recent announcements on Covid-19 restrictions, if there is anyone in the village that is self isolating or unable to get out and needs assistance with shopping essentials, especially over the Christmas period. Please let the Parish Clerk know and with the help of Councillors and Volunteers we will help where we can.
If we can all watch out for neighbours in these difficult times too. You can email at [email protected] or text/call 07811 322994 Press Release - WBC 20/12
West Berkshire moves into Tier 4 from Sunday 20th December. New restrictions have been introduced in response to a rapidly rising level of coronavirus infections. You can read the statement by Prime Minister made earlier today. Information about the restrictions under Tier 4 is below (a larger image is available here). You can also find more detailed information on Tier 4: Stay At Home restrictions online. There is lots of information available on financial support, help for residents and help for businesses on the West Berkshire Council website Sunday 20th December 2020
6.30pm in Brightwalton All Saints Churchyard Let’s keep everyone safe! We are delighted that we shall be able to sing carols together as long as households and bubbles are socially distanced from one another. Please come wrapped up warm and bring a torch! If you have Covid-19 symptoms, or are self-isolating, please do not attend. Please download your service sheet in advance and bring with you on your phone or printed - thank you. Open Air Carol Service Sheet Major study into future uses of Newbury Town Centre
West Berkshire Council has appointed a multi-disciplinary team to undertake a major new study into the future uses of Newbury Town Centre. Led by HemingwayDesign, the team includes New Masterplanning, GL Hearn and Urban Movement. The study, which will start with an online survey (details below), will include extensive engagement with the local community, a detailed analysis of the town’s needs, and a masterplan. It will be developed over the next nine months and will outline how the town centre can evolve in the future. It forms a key part of the Council’s robust response to the pandemic and will have a unique role to play for businesses, residents and other stakeholders. The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of strong community links and the council is inviting all with an interest in the town to have their say and be part of the conversation about its future. The study will take into account the significant changes in the retail and hospitality industries and the impact of Covid-19 in accelerating the review of alternative uses for town centres and public spaces. The Council and the team would like to further understand and provide solutions for some of the most important issues that affect local communities, including: a stronger economy; improved public health; protection of the most vulnerable; equality of opportunity; better stewardship of the natural environment; and a stronger sense of community. Speaking about the upcoming and future work, Councillor Lynne Doherty, Leader of West Berkshire Council, said: “We’re really excited to be partnering with the HemingwayDesign led- team on this key strategic project. “When we first decided to bring a partner on board to plan for Newbury’s future, we couldn’t have imagined that we’d be doing so in the midst of a pandemic. It’s clear that Covid has accelerated some of the changes we were already seeing on high streets across the country and we feel that now is precisely the right time to consider how we can sustain the vibrancy of our largest town. “Newbury has a lot to offer already with its mix of green spaces, independent shops and strong cultural heritage. We want to build on this even further, ensuring that the town continues to be a great place to live and work and developing a plan of which the whole community can be proud.” Wayne Hemingway of HemingwayDesign, said: “There is a societal shift in terms of shopping, work patterns and what people want from their town centres and Newbury has all the ingredients to embrace this shift, move with the times and become an even more inspirational and welcoming place for residents, businesses and their employees and visitors to the town. We believe that positive change is necessary, desirable and within reach. The best way that any design team can start is by listening to the people who know best and that is the residents, businesses and their employees and the wider Newbury community. So we urge you all to complete the survey, which takes 10 minutes, and provide us your feedback. Please share the survey with your family, and everyone you know - spread the word far and wide. We look forward to hearing from you.” The Newbury town centre survey: https://newburytowncentremasterplan.co.uk will be open until 23:59 on 17th January. The team will then review the feedback and report back and outline next steps in this process. The winter edition of the West Berkshire Countryside Update - Upstream! is available to download here. It contains lots of information on their work locally and the local wildlife.
Press Release from West Berkshire Council 27/11/20
West Berkshire Council is launching a COVID Winter Grant Scheme worth £279k for food, energy and other essential items for residents in need due to the pandemic. Free School Meal vouchers for holidays will also form part of the programme. The COVID Winter Grant Scheme will run from 1 December 2020 to 31 March 2021. Through the COVID Winter Grant scheme, the Council will provide families, individuals and vulnerable people in need with financial support for food, utility bills (heating, cooking, lighting), water bills for household purposes (including drinking, washing, cooking, central heating, sewerage and sanitary purposes), or other related essentials. As part of the scheme, the Council will make arrangements for the provision of Free School Meal vouchers for eligible 5 to 16 year olds during the Christmas and February half term school holidays (17 days in total). Children in school not currently receiving Free School Meals but considered by the school as vulnerable will be included. Consideration will also be given to children between 16 and 18 and children in cross border education settings. Details on how the vouchers will be implemented are currently being finalised. Councillor Lynne Doherty, Leader of West Berkshire Council, said: “We are fully aware that it’s going to be a tough winter for the large number of residents whose jobs sadly have been impacted by the pandemic. We want them to know that our new COVID Winter Grant Scheme is available to help pay for food, utility bills, and essential supplies between December and March next year. “As we head into winter and the festive season, we do not want anyone to be concerned about being able to feed their families or keeping warm.” The COVID Winter Grant Scheme funds of £279k were recently allocated to West Berkshire by central government. Further funding has been identified from the Council’s overall allocation of Covid-related grants to support the local delivery framework should it be required. The application process for the COVID Winter Grant Scheme will also enable eligible applicants to benefit from other funding such as the £103k Emergency Assistance Grant for Food and Essential Supplies for ongoing support with their needs, for example, information to access longer term support such as benefits. To identify those most in need for the COVID Winter Grant Scheme, the Council will work closely with professionals, statutory partners, Parish Councils, Citizens Advice West Berkshire, Newbury Resource Centre and other community and voluntary groups. DWP Job Centre Plus will also be playing an active role to support those newly in financial hardship, such as through a recent job loss. Those who currently have support from professionals such as social and care workers will be encouraged to work with their provider to make an application. In addition, individuals who are in need can make an online application independently on the West Berkshire website or contact the Community Support Hub from 1 December, when the scheme formally launches. The application form will ask for information about the financial support required and for information about any benefits they are being paid. The application will not be means tested. Non-receipt of benefits will not necessarily exclude a family or individual from receiving support, and any exceptions will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Any individuals who may need support with the online application process, including those without internet access, are welcome to contact the Community Support Hub from 1 December on tel: 01635 503579 or by email: [email protected]. The Community Support Hub is open during office hours between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Thursday, or between 8.30am and 4.30pm on Friday. Arrangements will be in place to identify and manage any incidences of fraudulent activity. |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
December 2024
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