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West Berkshire Volunteer Centre have asked us to circulate information throughout the parishes on the local Handybus Service - "The Handybus offers elderly and mobility impaired neighbours the opportunity to access convenient, door-to-door transport for social activities, supermarket visits and wellness activities. They also operate day trips regularly throughout the year for Over 50s in the area, and the service is available for hire if you are a local organisation or group, at very reasonable prices. All their drivers are compassionate, friendly people with a real passion for assisting their local community. Handybus are currently looking for Volunteer Drivers. These kind hearted souls are the very backbone of the organisation and are vital to its continued success. I would like to request that you spread the word of Handybus to potential service users and potential volunteers. Should you have any questions or queries, I am available at the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire office from Monday- Thursday, 9am – 1pm." If you would be interested in volunteering or would like to know more about using the service yourself, please contact Alison at Handybus Desk Volunteer Centre West Berkshire 1 Bolton Place, Newbury, RG14 1AJ Telephone - 01635 37111 http://www.volunteerwestberks.org.uk/
From Michel Hedges-Jackson, West Downland Benefice Administrator This year please add to your remembering a special date, the 24th November. That day the Bishop of Oxford will be joining us in West Downland Benefice, enjoying informal and formal services and a lunch. Please make a note in your diary as this is a very exciting opportunity for us to share with Bishop Stephen the realities of rural church life, both celebrating the joys and demonstrating the challenges. If you would like to join us for lunch please let Mike know by 9am Wednesday 20th November - email [email protected] Additionally, please find below the blue sheet of Services Rota and events in November, which includes details of the Festival Choir practices for the United Benefice Carol Service on 22nd December.
Please join us at the Village Hall from 10am this Sunday - 20th October - for the annual village working party. Please bring what tools you have available.
Refreshments and lunch for the workers Thank you |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
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