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May & The Jubilee Weekend
1st May 10.00am United Benefice Service, Great Shefford with breakfast from 9.45am 8th May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Shefford Woodlands 10.30am Holy Communion, Fawley 15th May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Leckhampstead 10.00am Café Church, Great Shefford 10.30am Holy Communion, Chaddleworth 22nd May 9.00am BCP Holy Communion, Wickham 10.30am Holy Communion, Brightwalton 29th May 10.00am United Benefice Service, Brightwalton with brunch and village walk Platinum Jubilee Weekend Services Thursday 2nd June Evening Prayer 6.30pm, Chaddleworth church Using the original service held throughout the country on the Sunday before Her Majesty the Queen’s Coronation Sunday 5th June 10am Service of Thanksgiving, Leckhampstead church We are pleased to offer Zoom from Church for many of the 10.30 services, please contact the Benefice Office for joining details – [email protected] Service details and Order of Services can be found on the A Church Near You website – www.achurchnearyou.com Revd Miri Keen writes … Yesterday the season began as I took the first West Downland wedding of 2022. It was wonderful to welcome the bride and groom and their family and friends into the church, to witness their vows and to pray for God’s blessing on them as they begin the adventure of marriage. I always feel rather like I’m waving couples off on a long sea voyage! One of the best parts of the modern Marriage Service is that it acknowledges how important the encouragement and care of family and friends can be when life’s storms hit. After the bride and groom have said “I will”, the vicar asks the congregation “Will you, the families and friends of the bride and groom, support and uphold them in their marriage now and in the years to come?” It’s always fabulous to hear the whole congregation saying “We will” as they offer their ongoing practical help, encouragement and prayers. Communities can make a difference too, so as we’re reading Banns and preparing for lots of weddings across the benefice perhaps you would spare a moment to offer your kind thoughts, good wishes and prayers for our happy couples. Kier and Rosie; James and Amie; William and Harriet; Will and Juliet; John and Fleur; Ned and Lydia; Gary and Tracy; Tobie and Rosie; Scott and Helen; Josh and Lucy; Kit and Nem; John and Gina. If you would like to find out more about marrying in church please get in touch. Maundy Thursday
6pm Casserole, Curry and Crumble Supper followed by service at 7.30pm Leckhampstead church Please contact Mary-Anne Brown to book a seat or Brightwalton Clerk ([email protected]) for details 15th April Good Friday 9am Passion Readings & Prayers, Wickham 10.30am Easter Storytime, Great Shefford 2pm Readings, Music & Silence, Brightwalton 17th April Easter Sunday 8.00am ‘BCP’ Holy Communion, Chaddleworth 9.30am Holy Communion, Great Shefford 11.00am Matins, Welford (lay led) 11.00am Holy Communion, Brightwalton Further information and Order of Services can be found on A Church Near You A copy of the March update from Councillor Clive Hooker is available to download here.
Within it you find details on WBC projects and consultations, plus updates on wider issues, including schemes being set up to assist Ukrainian refugees March 2022 |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
December 2024
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