There are five salt bins located within the Parish, these are provided by Brightwalton Parish Council as a means of self-help to enable communities to treat targeted areas of the public highway. Salt bins are not provided for treating private property. The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance and refilling of their respective bins. If you notice a bin is low on salt please report it to the Parish Council Clerk.
Details of the West Berkshire gritting plans can be found here as three PDF links:
West Berkshire Council is responsible to organising for the highway verges to be cut. It can only be carried out by approved and licensed contractors and is not something the Parish Council can organise. The verges are scheduled to be cut where necessary on the highways twice a year, at certain times of the year however, and particularly on difficult junctions this isn’t always frequent enough.
If you notice that a verge has become over grown and it is impeding the line of sight on the highway dangerously please report it directly to West Berkshire here.
They are obliged to acknowledge the request within 48 hours.
Please note that overgrown footpaths cannot be reported here.