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Parish Plan
How time has flown – the Parish Plan is due for update again! The Parish Plan is designed to represent the views of Brightwalton parishioners on how the village and surrounding area develops. There are 3 reasons why we should invest the time to keep our Parish Plan current: Having a Parish Plan gives us access to grants for projects that are designed to improve various aspects of the village. Last time when the plan was updated in 2010, it gave us access to over £25K of grant money. The Parish Plan is a useful reference point when responding to West Berkshire Planners on various planning applications. The Parish Plan provides a mandate from the Parishioners for the Parish Council on where the Parish Council should focus their time and attentions. The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to run the next Parish Plan update. This will involve setting up the questionnaires, delivering these and encouraging responses, collating the information and writing the plan, reviewing actions against the last plan. We would really like to see volunteers from each area of the village, this really helps with ensuring the questions cover all aspects and helps with the delivery and collection of questionnaires. IF you would be interested please email [email protected] Village Working Party – Sunday 15th October
We need your help! Please spare a couple of hours on Sunday 15th morning to take part in the annual village clear up. We need help with:
Many thanks – Brightwalton Parish Council – [email protected] We have a few dates coming up in September which are going to be lots of fun!
Saturday 2nd Sept - Music Concert, village hall 4pm organised by Bella Tryon Monday 4th Sept - Youth Club Summer BBQ, village field & hall 5 - 7pm Monday 25th Sept - Church Mouse Kitchen Soup Lunch, Church 12 - 2pm special guest talk from Barrie Hedges, Reliance Motor Services Saturday 30th Sept - September Social, village hall, doors open at 7.15pm, live music from the PUGS from 7.30pm, Bar & Snacks available Monday 30th Oct - Kids Halloween Party, village hall 4 - 6pm more details to follow. I'm looking for a few people to help me run the bar on 30th Sept, if you'd like to help let me know! Katherine Moore Brightwalton Community Coordinator Councillor Clive Hooker has sent out the August WBC update,. Please download here: ![]()
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
December 2024
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