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Reporting Speeding Traffic
The Parish Council has been made aware of this link on the West Berkshire Council website where anyone can report speeding vehicles. West Berkshire Council do not have the powers to enforce speed, so all incidents involving excess speed should be reported to the Police as normal too, but this does record the frequency and provide the evidence needed to engage the District Council and Thames Valley Police for problematic areas. The web address is: www.westberks.gov.uk/speedingtraffic
Unnamed Road from A338 Wantage Road to B4494 in the Parish of Chaddleworth will be closed on 15th March 2019, between the hours of 9.30am – 3.30pm, so that contractors can carry out drainage clearing
The closure will be in place from its junction with the A338, to its junction with the unnamed road from the A338 to Common Lane, Woolley. Access will be maintained for residential access. The diversion will be signed on site. All enquiries to: West Berkshire Council: Highway Maintenance Team on 01635 519080 A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link) Chaddleworth Road closure Farnborough, Unnamed Road from B4494 to A338. 0900 to 1500 Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd November.
The closure is on behalf of British Telecom and is so emergency repairs can be done to overhead cables. They have customers who are disconnected. Diversion will be via Brightwalton and Common Lane. There are already traffic lights on the diversion but the closure has been allowed due to the urgency of the works. Enquires should be addressed to BT’s contractors, A plant, on 03700 500792 for the attention of Leo Pulvinenti. The closure can be viewed on roadworks.org under the following link Farnborough closure Regards Bob Bosley Project Engineer Transport and Countryside Press Release from West Berkshire Council -
With mornings already turning chilly, West Berkshire Council has activated its Winter Service Plan to keep the District on the move and our network as safe as possible. Since the beginning of this week, we have been ready to grit key routes whenever road temperatures are forecast to fall below zero. West Berkshire’s Executive Member for Transport and Countryside, Jeanette Clifford, said: “Each year, the council gears up for winter weather. We have 1500 tonnes of rock salt to hand at our Chieveley Depot (and I can tell you that it’s an impressive sight), a further 1000 tonnes on standby and our gritting fleet fully serviced and ready for action. I’d like to thank our gritting teams for the difficult work they do, often in the worst of weather, covering, when needed, a full 60% of our network. However, it’s impossible to treat every minor road, so when winter sets in, I encourage everyone to allow more time for journeys and take extra care.” Primary routes, accounting for 40% of the district's almost 800 miles of road, are gritted whenever ice or a frost is forecast. These routes include all A and B roads and some strategically important C roads. Secondary routes, making up 20% of the highway network, are gritted once frosty or icy conditions are experienced for an unbroken period of 72 hours or greater (i.e., sub-zero temperatures experienced through the period for 3 continuous days and nights) There are also 480 roadside salt bins to help keep the road network and council offices and public buildings accessible. Of these, 31 are owned and maintained by West Berkshire Council and 449 by the Parish or Town Councils. The decision on when to grit roads is triggered by weather alerts from the MeteoGroup. We try to grit after the evening rush hour or before the morning rush hour to keep disruption on the roads to a minimum. Our Preparing for Winter pages offer advice on keeping safe this winter including while you travel. Press Release from West Berkshire Council -
A major road improvement project for Newbury will start on 7 January 2019. The £1.8 million project, funded by developer’s contributions from the Newbury Racecourse development and Local Transport Plan capital grant funding recognises the need to create more capacity on the busy town centre network. The opportunity will be taken to resurface the roads during these works. The works will take place in three phases (detailed below). Phase 1 The introduction of traffic lights at the junction of the A339 and Cheap Street to allow traffic to turn right from the dual carriageway into Cheap Street. There will be off peak lane closures and pedestrian diversions. Work starts 7 January 2019 and will complete in March2019. Phase 2 Upgrading of Cheap Street junction with Market Street. This phase will include the removal of the existing pedestrian crossings and the installation of new traffic lights with pedestrian crossings. Traffic will no longer be allowed to turn into Cheap Street South and access to the railway station car park will be via the new A339/Cheap Street junction. Temporary traffic lights will be installed outside the Vue Cinema while the work is in progress. Work starts March 2019 and completes in May 2019. Phase 3 Upgrading of the Sainsbury’s roundabout and traffic light system. Traffic will no longer be allowed to turn off the roundabout into Bear Lane and will instead be routed via the new A339/Cheap Street junction. There will be off peak lane closures. Work starts May 2019 and completes in September 2019. Jeanette Clifford, West Berkshire’s Executive Member for Highways and Transport said, “This is a large but vital project. Our town centre roads are extremely busy and we must not only create more capacity, but keep them in good order, and we now have the finance in place to do this. However, it will take the best part of next year to complete. The works are phased and resurfacing will take place at night to minimise disruption. We ask that motorists bear with us during the works which, ultimately, will prove great long term benefits for the town.” Keep up to date with this project at www.westberks.gov.uk/A339 West Berkshire Highways have just notified us of the following closure:
These works are taking place so that Thames Water can renew the water main safely. ROAD - Unnamed Rd from A338 Wantage Rd to Common Ln EXTENT - Between Unnamed Rd from A338 Wantage Rd B4494 and Common Ln DIVERSION (or by this route reversed) -Unnamed Road From A338 Wantage Road to B4494, B4494 Wantage Road, Common Ln PROPOSED CLOSURE DATE - 08/10/18 To 02/11/18 Please note that access will be maintained for residential access, and the diversion will be signed on site. All enquiries should be directed to: Thames Water on:- 0800 316 9800 A plan of the closure can be found using the following the link:- Common lane closure Update from Highways England:
After successfully lifting into position all six central reservation beams along the M4 between junctions 12 and 13, the remaining three weekend closures have now been cancelled (15 – 18 December, 12 – 15 January and 19 – 22 January 2018). The scheme will still require occasional full overnight road closures, the dates for which will be advertised in advance on signs alongside the M4 and in the media. Press Release from West Berkshire Council - 1st November 2017
With colder weather on the way, West Berkshire Council is ready to keep people on the move with its winter plan for key routes across the district. From Monday 30 October the Council monitors the weather and will grit roads whenever road temperatures are forecast to fall below zero with a hoar frost. Primary routes, which account for 40% of the district's almost 800 miles of road, will be gritted whenever a frost or ice is forecast. These routes include all A and B roads and some strategically important C roads, will be gritted when a frost or ice is forecast. Secondary routes, which make up 20% of the highway network, will be gritted once frosty or icy conditions have been experienced for an unbroken period of 72 hours or greater (i.e., sub-zero temperatures experienced through the period for 3 continuous days and nights) In addition, there are currently 480 salt bins serving council offices and public buildings with daily access and the road network in general. Of these, 31 are owned and maintained by the council and 449 are owned and maintained by the Parish or Town Councils. Councillor Jeanette Clifford, West Berkshire’s Executive Member for Highways and Transport said, “We’re ready to put our Winter Plan into action to ensure that our roads are as clear and safe for our residents as possible. "While we treat key routes some roads will not be treated. Drivers should be prepared, allow more time for journeys during bad weather and take extra care when travelling." Decisions about when to grit roads are triggered by cold and other weather alerts from the MeteoGroup and flood alerts from the Environment Agency. West Berkshire Council’s contractor, Volker Highways, have 1,500 tonnes of salt stockpiled at the Council’s Chieveley depot for the winter with plans in place to replenish this stock as required throughout the season. However, should the need arise the Council have access to 1,000 tonnes of additional salt which is stored off site. When gritting does take place it is usually done either after the evening rush hour or before the morning rush hour in order to minimise disruption on the roads. A snow clearance plan is also in place which aims to keep almost half (48.5%) of the highway network available when it snows with priority given to bus routes and access routes to schools and GP surgeries. Information about routes which have been gritted is provided in real time on the council’s website once the winter weather plan is instigated. You can read our Winter Service Plan – which includes maps of Primary and Secondary routes and find advice on staying safe this winter including while you travel. Please see below information from Highways England in relation to M4 closures. Any queries should be directed to Highways England – details below.
FROM Highways England: Maintenance work to replace the beams and waterproofing material to the bridges which carry the M4 over the B4009 Hampstead Norreys Road near Hermitage, Brocks Lane near Frilsham and Burnt Hill Road has now started. As previously advised, during work to demolish and install the bridge deck beams, specialist working methods and equipment will be required which will include larger cranes that will sit across all lanes of the motorway. To allow this work to take place we will be fully closing the M4 east and westbound carriageways between junctions 12 and 13 over the following entire weekend periods (9pm Friday through to 5am Monday): · Friday 24 to Monday 27 November 2017 · Friday 8 to Monday 11 December 2017 · Friday 15 to Monday 18 December 2017 · Friday 12 to Monday 15 January 2018 · Friday 19 to Monday 22 January 2018 (contingency) During the closures a clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A4 (through Newbury, Thatcham and Woolhampton), however as we are expecting this route to be extremely busy alternatives routes will be suggested further afield. Significant delays are expected during these weekend closure periods, and it is advised that you plan ahead of your journey to allow for extra time or avoid this route where possible. We would like to apologise in advance for any disruption caused by these closures; if you have any questions, or if you’d like you know about our work please contact us on 0300 123 5000 or email [email protected]. Or you can visit our website at www.highways.gov.uk/roads Highways have informed us of changes to the proposed M4 Closures for the week commencing 9th October:
· Monday 9th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th October – Full EASTBOUND closures from junction 13 to junction 12 · Friday 13th, Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October – Full WESTBOUND closures from junction 12 to junction 13 The closures planned for week commencing 16 October have been cancelled as the narrow lane traffic management should be installed. M4 Junctions 12 to 13 Hermitage (West Berkshire) – Bridge Refurbishment Works – Upcoming Closures
Preliminary works along the M4, between junctions 12 and 13, is progressing well and in October the narrow lane traffic management is scheduled to be installed. To assist with onsite activities and the installation of the traffic management, the following full overnight closures of the M4 have been programmed: · Monday 2 October for 5 nights – full EASTBOUND closures from junction 13 to junction 12 · Monday 9 October for 5 nights – full WESTBOUND closures from junction 12 to junction 13 · Monday 16 October for 5 nights – full EASTBOUND closures from junction 13 to junction 12 M4 weekend closures As with the previous scheme, during work to demolish and install the bridge deck beams, specialist working methods and equipment will be required which will include larger cranes that will sit across all lanes of the motorway. We will therefore need to fully close the M4 east and westbound carriageways between junctions 12 and 13 for entire weekend periods (9pm Friday through to 5am Monday). The first of these closures is expected to be in late-November 2017 – confirmed dates will be advertised in advance on signs along the M4, on the Highways England website and via the media. Significant delays are expected during these weekend closure periods, and it is advisable that you plan ahead of your journey to allow for extra time or avoid this route where possible. During all closures a clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A4 (through Newbury, Thatcham and Woolhampton). We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption during the closures; if you have any questions, or if you’d like you know about our work please contact us on 0300 123 5000 or email [email protected]. Or you can visit our website at www.highways.gov.uk/roads Yours faithfully Kathryn Blofield Communications Coordinator We have been notified by West Berkshire Council Highways that Holt Lane will be CLOSED from the 25th to 27th September to allow repairs to a leaking water main.
The alternative route for all traffic affected is via B4494 Wantage Road, Sparrowbill and Honesty Bottom. All queries should be forwarded to Torid Bastien of Thames Water on Tel: 02035 777 740. For more info follow the link Holt Lane Please see below an update and advance information in relation to M4 closures at J12- 13 from Highways England. Note all communications and queries should be directed towards Highways England:
Note from Highways England: M4 Junctions 12 to 13: Bridge Refurbishment – Update We are writing to provide an update to the programme and additional traffic management information for the bridge refurbishment works taking place along the M4 near Bradfield. As you may already know, long-term monitoring found that the two bridges which carry the M4 over Ashampstead Road and Dark Lane, near Bradfield in West Berkshire, require extensive repairs due to chloride-induced corrosion. Critical repairs are underway to address the defects and ensure the structures remain in a safe and serviceable condition. We are pleased to say that the works are progressing well. Closures next week Sunday 18th June: In addition to the 24 hour traffic management currently in place, the M4 eastbound carriageway between junctions 13 and 12 will be closed overnight on Sunday 18 June, between 9pm and 6am. Friday 23rd June – Sunday 25th June:The eastbound carriageway between junctions 13 and 12 will also be closed overnight on Friday 23 June and Sunday 25 June, between 9pm and 6am. Advance warning signs have been put up and a clearly signed diversion route will be in place via the A4 for these closures. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these works may cause. If you have any questions or if you’d like to know more about the work please contact the Highways England Customer Contact Centre: · Phone: 0300 123 5000 · Email: [email protected] A reminder that the M4 will be closed between J12 & 13 this weekend coming from Fri 12th May at 9pm to Mon 15th May at 6am. Further details can be found on the attached file. ![]()
The next weekend closure of the M4 is planned from 9pm on Friday 12 May through to 6am on Monday 15 May 2017* (57 continuous hours), with a contingency weekend proposed for Friday 2 to Monday 5 June 2017. Full details on what has already been completed and contact details for any queries can be found here.
West Berkshire Highways have issued the following reminder:
The that M4 east and westbound carriageways, between junctions 12 (Theale) and 13 (Chieveley) in West Berkshire will be fully closed from 9pm on Friday 31 March through to 6am on Monday 3 April 2017. A clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A4 (through Newbury, Thatcham and Woolhampton), however as we are expecting this route to be extremely busy – the following alternative routes should be used:
Significant delays are expected during these weekend closure periods, and it is advised that you plan ahead of your journey to allow for extra time or avoid this route where possible. If you have any questions or if you’d like you know about the work please log your enquiry through Highways England’s customer control centre:
M4 Junctions 12 to 13: Bridge Refurbishment – Update
West Berkshire Highways have provided an update on the traffic management information for the bridge refurbishment works taking place along the M4 near Bradfield. As previously advised, long-term monitoring has found that the two bridges which carry the M4 over Ashampstead Road and Dark Lane, near Bradfield in West Berkshire, require extensive repair due to chloride-induced corrosion. Critical repairs are required to address the defects and ensure the structures remain in a safe and serviceable condition. CLOSURE OF DARK LANE AND ASHAMPSTEAD ROAD (WEST BERKSHIRE) The local authority roads which run beneath the M4 must be closed for safety reasons due to the restricted height available and due to the activities involved. · Closure of Dark Lane (beneath the M4) – from Monday 6 March through to Thursday 4 May 2017 · Closure of Ashampstead Road (beneath the M4) – from Monday 13 March through to Friday 26 May 2017 During the closures a clearly signed diversion will be in place via Bradfield, Chalk Pit Farm Road, A340 Pangbourne Road, Tidmarsh Lane, Gardeners Lane and Buckhold Hill, which has been approved by West Berkshire Council. WEEKEND CLOSURES The programme of weekend closures of the M4 has been revised to not only avoid bank holidays but also the school Easter half term holiday, where traffic flows may increase along the M4. The closures are now currently scheduled to take place from 9pm Friday through to 6am on Monday on the following weekends: · Friday 31 March to Monday 3 April 2017 · Friday 5 May to Monday 8 May 2017 · Friday 12 May to Monday 15 May 2017 · Friday 19 May to Monday 22 May 2017 (contingency weekend only) During these closures a clearly signed diversion will be in place via the A4 (through Newbury, Thatcham and Woolhampton). Confirmed dates for these closures will be displayed in advance on signs along the M4. On selected weekends in July, there will also be restricted lanes open, from 9pm Friday to 6am Monday, on the following weekends: · Friday 7 July to Monday 10 July 2017 (Westbound only) · Friday 28 July to Monday 31 July 2017 (Eastbound only) Significant delays are expected during these weekend closure periods, and it is advised that you plan ahead of your journey to allow for extra time or avoid this route where possible. If you have any questions or if you’d like you know about the work please log your enquiry through Highways England’s customer control centre: · Phone: 0300 123 5000 · Email: [email protected] · Post: Highways England, Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4LZ |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
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