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The next collection will be Friday 6th January, and you can leave your Christmas tree next to the green bin and they will take it. The black bin the following week will be Thursday 12th and then it will be back to normal.
The Chairman of Royal Berkshire Fire Authority, has notified the Parish Council that between Monday, 12 December and Monday, 13 March 2017, Royal Berkshire Fire Authority will be consulting with the public, its staff and other stakeholders on proposed changes to the way in which Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service delivers services to our residents. We are actively encouraging as many people as possible to have their say on a range of options outlined in the consultation document and supporting evidence, available on the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service website. www.rbfrs.co.uk/consultation/
Continues to stop at Brightwalton Green and the War Memorial every month. The next visits will be 3rd January, 24th January, 14th February, 7th and 28th March. The library will be at the Green on these dates between 11.35 and 11.50 and at the War Memorial 11.55 to 12.30. The library services accross the County is changing and funding in the future will need to come from the Parish Council Precepts. The Parish Council is keen to hear your views on the current service and ideas on how it can be improved and funded in the future. Please see the contact us page for how to get in touch. The timetable until the end of March 2017 can be found here:
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
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