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Councillor Clive Hooker has sent out the July WBC update, please download here:
Councillor Clive Hooker has sent out the March WBC update, please download here:
Extravagant Hospitality,
As I have settled into life in the West Downland Benefice I have been asked the same question a number of times in a variety of different ways - essentially: “Are you happy here?” I can honestly say that I absolutely am! The kindness and generosity shown by those I have met so far has been quite incredible. This really is a wonderful community to be a part of. Thank you to everyone who has made me feel so welcome. There is much we need to improve on as the church, but our extravagant hospitality is the hallmark of everything we do. Starting with the simplest cup of coffee and every bite of food we serve through to every smile of welcome and prayer shared, we want our extravagant hospitality to be the first thing that everyone experiences whenever they connect with all that happens in church. There are good biblical principles for this - from the many meals and celebrations that Jesus enjoyed to alabasta jar of perfume that anointed his feet towards the end of his earthly life, we are encouraged to be generous. I hope that is your experience. If it is not, please let me know! As I write this, I am deep into the planning for Holy Week and Easter. The details about the various services around the benefice are in the picture below but I wanted to highlight a couple of opportunities to join in with something that might be a little different this year. On Maundy Thursday, We will gather in All Saints Brightwalton at 7pm for a Bring and Share Supper. Maundy Thursday is a very moving service as we move from the celebration of a meal with friends to the silence of the Garden of Gethesemene. On Good Friday, there is an Easter “Café Church” in St Mary’s, Great Shefford at 10:30 with activities for children and refreshments for all. (The quiet service of “The Last Hour” is at 2pm in St Swithun’s Wickham). Then on Easter Eve, perhaps a new experience for this benefice, our Easter Celebrations begin when the sun sets and we have a contemporary service to bring in the Easter Light. For this we will be gathering around a fire at St Mary’s, Fawley around 7pm for a bowl of chilli as we wait for the church to get dark. We will then light the new Easter Candles for all of our parishes and the will be carried back to the churches for the Easter services that follow in the coming weeks. Do keep up to date with all that is happening via our socials (@westdownland) or the website (westdownland.co.uk) and I look forward to welcoming you into church soon! With my love and prayers, Rev Mike Brightwalton Parish Council is supporting the Keep Britain Tidy - Great British Spring Clean Campaign - which marks its 70th Anniversary this year.
West Berkshire Council is calling for residents across West Berkshire to show their pride in their community by taking part in the mass action litter pick. Could your household adopt an lane to regularly litter pick? Could you support us by borrowing equipment and going out one day in April? Please get in touch at [email protected] with your offers of help Thanks to West Berkshire Council we have a number of litter pickers, bags, gloves and hi-vis vests available to borrow. The village hall AGM will be held on Monday 26th February at 7.30m in the new (West) hall. Any enquiries or nominations for the committee to [email protected].
The Village Hall committee is pleased to announce the arrival of the new online hall booking please visit:
https://hallbookingonline.com/brightwalton Village Quiz Night
Friday 2nd February 7.30pm - doors open at 7.15pm Brightwalton Village Hall B.Y.O Supper & Drinks Teams of 6 £3.00 per person Email team names & players to: [email protected] We are delighted to confirm that our traditional Christmas Carol Service will be held around the Christmas Tree on Saturday 9th December at 4.30pm. This will be followed by mulled wine, mince pies and a wonderful festive acoustic set by the Peasemore Ukulele Group in the church.
Parish Plan
How time has flown – the Parish Plan is due for update again! The Parish Plan is designed to represent the views of Brightwalton parishioners on how the village and surrounding area develops. There are 3 reasons why we should invest the time to keep our Parish Plan current: Having a Parish Plan gives us access to grants for projects that are designed to improve various aspects of the village. Last time when the plan was updated in 2010, it gave us access to over £25K of grant money. The Parish Plan is a useful reference point when responding to West Berkshire Planners on various planning applications. The Parish Plan provides a mandate from the Parishioners for the Parish Council on where the Parish Council should focus their time and attentions. The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to run the next Parish Plan update. This will involve setting up the questionnaires, delivering these and encouraging responses, collating the information and writing the plan, reviewing actions against the last plan. We would really like to see volunteers from each area of the village, this really helps with ensuring the questions cover all aspects and helps with the delivery and collection of questionnaires. IF you would be interested please email [email protected] Village Working Party – Sunday 15th October
We need your help! Please spare a couple of hours on Sunday 15th morning to take part in the annual village clear up. We need help with:
Many thanks – Brightwalton Parish Council – [email protected] |
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk with input from the village. Planning ApplicationsClick here to find out more about the planning process and to view all the current planning applications in Brightwalton. Archives
December 2024
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