Extraordinary Meeting Agenda
Wednesday 10th October 2018 8.00pm in the Village Hall Agenda Apologies & Declaration of Interests Matters Arising: Planning Application – 18/02338/OUTD- Isbury, Brightwalton RG20 7BP for "Outline permission to demolish existing house and erect three dwellings via existing access along with associated infrastructure.” Any Other Business
The minutes from the September Parish Council meeting can be downloaded here:
The minutes for the Trustee meeting held on the 10th September, reference Dunmore Pond can be downloaded here:
In line with the Trustee agreement Brightwalton Parish Council will meet in March and September as the Sole Trustee of Brightwalton Millennium Green Trust to discuss Dunmore Pond and the Surrounding Area. The September meeting is open to the public an an agenda can be downloaded here:
The agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 10th September can be found here:
AuthorThis is written by the Parish Clerk. If you have something to add to the Parish Council Agenda please email the Parish Clerk here or call mobile. MeetingsThese are held in the village hall every 2 months. Please check the latest News for more details. Categories
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